Terms & Conditions

This general Terms and Conditions shall be part of the agreement between Superior Broadband and the subscriber.

1. Subscriber has to provide necessary documents and information to establish subscriber's identification, legal status and business capacity. Superior Broadband shall have the right to examine the same. Superior Broadband shall have the right to temporarily disconnect, suspend or terminate the services for giving any false information by the subscriber in any document or otherwise including on the subscription form. If there is any change in the information given earlier, subscriber shall notify Superior Broadband of such change, failure of which shall entitle Superior Broadband to suspend or terminate the services at its sole discretion.

2. Both parties undertake that any information received by one party marked as confidential shall be kept as confidential by the other party. Such information can only be revealed if it is found that it was already in the public domain or it was already available to the receiving party without violating this agreement or it is required by law.

3. Superior Broadband has the exclusive right and jurisdiction of the title and ownership of the connection and equipment provided by Superior Broadband.

4. Superior Broadband shall provide the services to the subscriber within agreed timeline. However, in case of any delayed support Superior Broadband will notify the subscriber as soon as it is reasonably practicable.

5. The 1:8 contention ratio policy applies to all of our internet packages, providing enhanced network utilization and maximizing resources for our valued customers. This means that the bandwidth can be shared among a maximum of eight users at any given time, ensuring fair and efficient distribution of bandwidth. For example, a 40 Mbps package with a 1:8 contention ratio may experience download speeds of around 5 Mbps.

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